#5: Longest Palindromic Substring (Medium) Given a string s, return the longest palindromic substring in s. A string is called a palindrome string if the reverse of that string is the same as the original string. Example 1: Input: s = "babad" Output: "bab" Explanation: "aba" is also a valid answer. Example 2: Input: s = "cbbd" Output: "bb" Constraints: 1 <= s.length <= 1000 s consist of only digits and English letters. # Solution: ```javascript /** * @param {string} s * @return {string} */ var longestPalindrome = function (string) { let longestPalLength = 0; let longestPalLeft = 0; let longestPalRight = 0; var getLongestPalindrome = function (leftPosition, rightPosition) { // While there is space to expand, and the expanded strings match while ( leftPosition >= 0 && rightPosition < string.length && string[leftPosition] === string[rightPosition] ) { //expand in each direction. leftPosition--; rightPosition++; } // Store the longest palindrome (if it's the longest one found so far) if (rightPosition - leftPosition > longestPalLength) { longestPalLeft = leftPosition + 1; longestPalRight = rightPosition - 1; longestPalLength = longestPalRight - longestPalLeft + 1; } }; // Loop through the letters for (let i = 0; i < string.length; i++) { // Find the longest odd palendrome getLongestPalindrome(i, i + 1); // Find the longest even palendrome getLongestPalindrome(i, i); // Check if a longer palindrome cannot be found if ((string.length - i) * 2 < longestPalLength) { // Break out to avoid unnecessary computation break; } } return string.slice(longestPalLeft, longestPalRight + 1); }; ``` # Explanation:

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